The Seven Valleys Veterinary Hospital has updated our COVID-19 protocols.
If you have been to one of the following states within the last 14 days please reschedule your appointment until after the required quarantine time as been completed as recommended by the PA Department of Health.
- Alabama
- Arizona
- Arkansas
- California
- Florida
- Georgia
- Idaho
- Louisiana
- Mississippi
- Nevada
- North Carolina
- South Carolina
- Tennessee
- Texas
- Utah
Masks or face coverings are required upon arrival as mandated by Governor Tom Wolfe on 7/1/2020 and is required for all communication with our staff.
If you do not have a mask or face covering, a mask will be provided to you.
We are only providing curb-side services at this time. We are not allowing any clients in the building for any reason, this includes use of the restroom.
Please call our hospital when you arrive in our parking lot at (717) 428-3902. One of our knowledgeable technicians will be able to get your pet checked-in as well as obtain an accurate history and plan over the phone. This same technician will come out to your car and bring your pet inside so that you have minimal contact with public surfaces. We will always call you to give you a detailed diagnostic and treatment plan after we have communicated all findings of your pet’s physical exam. Payment can be made over the phone on a safe and encrypted system.
This protocol will remain in-place for the foreseeable future
We encourage our clients to remain understanding and flexible throughout this unprecedented time as our amazing staff continues to work diligently and compassionately to take care of your pets while putting themselves at risk every day. We understand that emotions and stress are running high but aggressive and/or degrading behavior from our clients towards our staff will not be tolerated.
When picking up medications please call our office at (717) 428-3902 from the parking lot. Payment can be taken over the phone and the medication(s) will be delivered to your car.
Remember, many medications can be delivered directly to your door via our online pharmacy which is available on our website at www.sevenvalleyvet.com
We will not be seeing clients with fever, respiratory, and/or flu-like symptoms. We require that a healthy individual bring their pet to our hospital.
For additional information on Covid-19 please consult the CDC’s official website at www.cdc.gov
As always, we are here for you and your pets. Stay safe out there!
New PA State Regulations Due to Covid-19
In an effort to conserve medical supplies and personal protective equipment (PPE) for human medical staff the veterinary regulating bodies of the state of Pennsylvania have mandated that all veterinary hospitals within the state comply with new policies in regards to Covid-19.
These regulations include:
1. Effective immediately, ONLY medical staff will be permitted to enter the building. Again, this is in an attempt to protect the health of our veterinary staff as well as our clients by limiting everyone’s interaction with public surfaces. Upon arrival to your appointment please call our hospital at (717) 428-3902 and a knowledgeable technician will take care of you. With our curb-side service, your pet will be brought into the building and all communication will take place over the phone. We apologize for the inconvenience and hope we can return to normal appointment scheduling and policies as soon as possible.
2. We are reserving all appointments for sick, urgent, or emergency situations. These situations include ANY pet experiencing respiratory problems, seizures, collapse, lameness, ear or eye problems, significant dental disease as well as skin issues.
3. ALL wellness and elective procedures are to be postponed. This includes all spays and neuters, routine dentals, as well as any vaccine appointment where the pet is NOT due for rabies.
We recognize that this is an unpredictable situation that is changing all the time. We will do our best to continue to be here for you and your pet while keeping you updated along the way.
Modified Hours Due to Covid-19
We are decreasing our hours to Monday – Friday 8am to 2pm.
We apologize for the inconvenience and hope to return to normal hours as soon as possible.
Covid-19 – New Hospital Policy
Over the last few months the Seven Valleys Veterinary Hospital has been closely monitoring medical information regarding a new strain of the corona virus known as Covid-19. We, as always, are strong believers in preventative medicine, wellness, and safety, of our clients, patients, and medical staff. For this reason, the Seven Valleys Veterinary Hospital supports the practice of social distancing and want to do our part to provide care for our patients while helping slow the spread of Covid-19. We will continue to see patients for as long as possible but have initiated the following new protocols in response to Covid-19 effective immediately.
We will not be seeing clients with fever, respiratory, and/or flu-like symptoms. We require that a healthy individual bring their pet to our hospital.
We are temporarily a handshake-free facility in an attempt to minimize spread of Covid-19
We are implementing curbside triage for all appointments. As stated above, please call our office at (717) 428-3902 upon arrival so that one of our knowledgable technicians can obtain an accurate history and confirm what vaccines and/or procedures you are requesting for your pet. Our technician will bring your pet into the hospital while you remain in the car. This is in an attempt to minimize your contact with public surfaces. Payment will be taken over the phone on a safe and encrypted system. Your pet will be returned directly to your car upon completion of all requested services.
If you would like to be present for your pet’s physical exam, please discuss this with the staff via the phone call from the parking lot. We will come out to get you when we have an exam room open so that you can be taken directly into a room. Again, this is in an attempt to minimize your contact with public surfaces.
We also require that only ONE HEALTHY person accompany your pet during their physical exam.
We are encouraging drop-off procedures as much as possible. Please call our hospital when you arrive in our parking lot at (717) 428-3902. One of our knowledgeable technicians will be able to get your pet checked-in as well as obtain an accurate history and plan over the phone. This same technician will come out to your car and bring your pet inside so that you have minimal contact with public surfaces. We will always call you to give you a detailed diagnostic and treatment plan after we have communicated all findings of your pet’s physical exam. Payment can be made over the phone on a safe and encrypted system.
We ask for your cooperation and understanding as this protocol will result in longer appointment times and likely additional wait times. While we will do our best to keep things running efficiently our top priority is safety for our staff, clients, and patients.
When picking up medications please call our office at (717) 428-3902 from the parking lot. Payment can be taken over the phone and the medication(s) will be delivered to your car.
Remember, many medications can be delivered directly to your door via our online pharmacy which is available on our website under the Online Pharmacy tab.
We are taking steps to clean ALL surfaces including countertops, doorknobs, keyboards, and touchscreens on an hourly basis in an attempt to minimize spread of disease. We have also strategically placed hand sanitizer throughout our hospital for the protection of our clients and staff.
For additional information on Covid-19 please consult the CDC’s official website at www.cdc.gov
As always, we are here for you and your pets. Stay safe out there!